acpilight: | backward-compatibile xbacklight replacement. |
cencode: | encodes a stream or file into quoted c-string
escape sequences. |
ClickMaster2000: |
| Tally counter for images. |
dl: | simple file sharing service for quick/one-off file
transfers. |
elf_mem_map: | Extract static symbol size information from DWARF ELF
data for embedded development. |
ESP8266 SoftRX: | Low-latency interrupt-driven serial decoder for the
ESP8266 Arduino core. |
Expect.jl: | Synchronous communication with interactive
programs. |
facedetect: | a simple face detector for batch processing. |
fIcy: | an icecast/shoutcast stream grabber suite. |
fgallery: | a modern, minimalist javascript photo gallery. |
gcode-mode.el: | Emacs G-Code mode with ElDoc reference support. |
gcode-tools: | G-Code post-processor and transformation tools. |
git-assembler: | update git branches using high-level
instructions. |
git-assembler-mode: |
| Emacs
major-mode for git-assembler configuration files. |
gtabview: | a simple graphical tabular data viewer for files and
Python/Pandas/NumPy data structures. |
mlbfilt: | multi-line output block filter |
mu4e-jump-to-list.el: |
| mu4e jump-to-list extension. |
mu4e-query-fragments.el: |
| mu4e support for query fragments. |
Polyglot.jl: | transparent remote/recursive evaluation
between Julia and other languages. |
networkd-notify: |
| desktop notification integration for networkd. |
python-bond: | transparent remote/recursive evaluation
between Python and other languages. |
python-x.el: | python.el extras for interactive evaluation. |
screenkey: | Keyboard screencasting tool. |
RescueOMR: | batch Optical Mark Recognition without foresight. |
rest2web: | rest2web extended: a static website generator. |
rigid-tabs.el: | Emacs mode to fix TAB alignment in diff buffers. |
tblutils: | Text-based Table Utilities. |
trend: | a general-purpose, efficient trend graph. |
wmnd: | WindowMaker Network Devices. |